Emerging Cybersecurity Threats in 2024

5 Emerging Cybersecurity Threats to Keep Your Eye on in 2024

Proactivity is the hallmark of any robust cybersecurity defense strategy. So, as a business leader, it’s always imperative that you stay informed about the new techniques cyber attackers are using. With that in mind, here’s a heads-up on five rising dangers heading into 2024.   

AI-Powered Cyber Attacks 

That trendy tech advancement that everyone is talking about, of course, hasn’t gone unnoticed by hackers. 

By automating complex tasks, attackers can now launch large-scale attacks in no time. They can automate the writing of personalized phishing e-mails or even launch AI-powered malware that operates without human oversight. 

To prevent this, companies will need to leverage their own AI-powered cybersecurity measures in response. 

Vulnerable AI Apps 

Another danger presented by AI is much less obvious. With the buzz around AI swirling, a gold rush has started, with developers looking to capitalize. As they sprint to flood the market with AI-powered solutions, many overlook vulnerabilities in their algorithms or systems. Busy business leaders, in their rush to adapt and stay competitive, then implement them without oversight, providing savvy hackers a critical weak spot to exploit. 

Wise business leaders should vet any AI applications or integrations and develop strong policies around these issues.


A similarly concerning trend being discussed is the rise of the “deepfake.” A deepfake is the use of extremely convincing fake images, videos, or audio recordings that make it appear as if individuals are saying or doing things they never said or did. The possible harmful uses for this frightening technology are endless.

A healthy dose of skepticism and AI-powered detection technologies will be the tools most likely to combat deep fakes in the coming years.

Supply Chain Attacks

As technology links companies to each other, hackers have begun targeting the least secure entity within a large system. For example, if you work with a vendor who has a weak cybersecurity profile but provides a service that is critical to your supply chain, hackers will simply shift their focus and attack them. Once inside, they can either threaten your ability to do business or sit tight and use this access to eventually breach your systems. 

To keep this threat at bay, you must vet your vendors’ security profiles and collaborate closely on security.

Living Off The Land (LOTL) Attacks

LOTL attacks are an innovative method where hackers utilize only standard administration tools, software features, or network processes to infiltrate your systems. This stealthy approach is challenging to detect because hackers use your own tools against you rather than inject malware or malicious codes and files into your system. Often fileless, this method allows hackers to evade traditional file-scanning measures.

To defend against LOTL attacks, you’ll have to proactively monitor your systems and leverage advanced behavioral analytics. 

Want to be fully prepared for the next wave of sophisticated cyber-attacks? Solid Base IT’s cybersecurity services can help fortify your defenses. Get in touch here.